You're tired of working for someone else's benefit! You want to control your work/life balance without feeling worn out, under valued, and broke. Starting a business doesn't have to be tough or expensive and there are more resources than your think. What you'll get from this... ~ Creating a vision board ~ will keep you excited about the things you see coming ~ Having a plan ~ gives you a mission for the goals you want to achieve ~ Understanding the importance of the budgets ~ know and understand how to create your value ~ Market analysis and implementation ~ know who your customer/fans are and catching their attention ~ Branding ~ when you know your market, you know how to show up and where to show up ~ Point of Contact ~ how your people get your services or products Of course I can't just leave you hanging, I created a resource list to get you started. And of course you can also purchase my '6-month Glow Up Planner'
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